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Margaret Yang

Founding President

Margaret Yang is a renowned overseas Chinese leader in Canada who has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee and Platinum Medals. She has served in many leadership positions, including Secretary-General, Vice President, and President, for 16 years at the Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (CPAC), which has over 30,000 members. During her tenure, she helped numerous immigrant professionals receive vocational training, find suitable employment, and integrate into mainstream society.

Margaret is also a well-known community leader, social activist, financial expert, and public diplomacy advocate in Canada. She was the first female president of CPAC and has greatly assisted many Chinese immigrants in settling down and finding jobs in Canada.

Additionally, she is the Executive Chair of the Chinese Arts Association of Canada, the Honorary Chair of the Asia-Pacific Outstanding Women’s Federation, and the first Mainland Chinese director on the board of a well-known Canadian hospital foundation. She has extensive experience in community and philanthropic organizations.

Over the past 20 years, Margaret has been invited multiple times to participate in important policy consultation roundtable meetings with Canadian federal and provincial ministers, and she has established a wide network of contacts with Canadian political figures and business leaders.

In recognition of her outstanding contributions to fostering a harmonious overseas Chinese community in Canada, helping professional immigrants integrate into mainstream society, and promoting cooperation in fields such as Canada-China economic, trade, technological, cultural, educational, political, and high-level talent exchange, she has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee and Platinum Medals, as well as the Senator’s Heritage Award, among other honors.

Asia Council of Canada


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